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1 hour introduction session

Classroom or outside session

Introducing parents and children to basic bushcraft skills with an emphasis on preventing getting lost, using a whistle for signalling when lost, tying it all into the themes of survival and self-reliance from the book "My Side of the Mountain" by Jean Craighead George.


• Activity 1: Whistle Signalling (15 minutes)

• Activity 2: Difference between Survival and Inconvenient camping 

• Activity 3: Cordage and Knot-Tying for Survival



3 Day skills course


2 Night Camp


Developing fundamental bushcraft skills using the story of Sam Gribley in "My Side of the Mountain" by Jean Craighead George.


Introducing parents and children to basic bushcraft skills with an emphasis on preventing getting lost, using a whistle for signalling when lost, tying it all into the themes of survival and self-reliance from the book "My Side of the Mountain" by Jean Craighead George.


• Activity 1: Survival Priorities 

• Activity 2: Whistle Signalling

• Activity 3: Self Aid 

• Activity 4: Knot-Tying for Survival

• Activity 5: Tarp Shelters

• Activity 6: Fire starting with primitive tools

• Activity 7: Water Procurement

• Activity 8: Navigating and Staying Found 

• Activity 8: Skills review 

What you will learn

On this course, participants will learn bushcraft skills within a framework that utilises the lessons learned by Sam Gribly in the book My Side of the Mountain.  

We explore various aspects of the book and discuss some of Sam's decisions with a view to how our lives are impacted by the decisions we make, "Do what you want to do, but you have to accept the consequences" (Louise Tice, Mastering the Attitude of Achievement).


The participants will have hands on exercises on 5 basic skills and an introduction to more advanced topics covered in our other courses.

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