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Online Course Offering

Coming Soon: Online Training for Outdoor Enthusiasts

We are thrilled to announce our upcoming online training courses designed to equip you with the knowledge and confidence you need to thrive in the wild. Whether you’re a seasoned bushcrafter or just starting out, this course will provide a solid foundation of theory, coupled with practical insights, to help you take your outdoor skills to the next level.

What You Can Expect

Our course will delve deep into essential wilderness survival topics, covering everything from the basics to more advanced techniques. We’ll discuss not only the “how” but also the “why” behind each skill, giving you a comprehensive understanding of the tools and techniques you'll need when you're out in the field.

There will be time for questions you might have, either from the content we cover in the course, or any other questions you might have about Everyday Bushcraft.

Preparing You for the Wild

This course is more than just theory. We’ll explore real-world applications, showing you how to translate what you’ve learned in a virtual setting into practical skills you can use during an Everyday Bushcraft course or your own adventures. You’ll come away with actionable knowledge that you can immediately apply when you step into the wilderness.

Get Ready to Take the Next Step

We believe in the power of preparation, and this course is your first step toward becoming more self-reliant and confident in the great outdoors. Whether you're planning to join us on an Everyday Bushcraft course or you're eager to venture out on your own, this training will set you up for success.

Stay tuned for more details in the coming weeks, and get ready to embark on a journey of discovery, growth, and adventure.

This is the first of a series of online courses designed to get you started on our course subjects. Coming soon, 1. Breakthrough thinking and 2. My Side of the Mountain - lessons in the wild for developing adventurous and mindful children.

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