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The Power of Reflection

Reflecting on Success: A Powerful Tool from Topgun Business Academy

Back in the 90’s I had the opportunity to attend a course with Topgun Business Academy, an experience that left a lasting impact on me. Among the many valuable lessons we learned, one exercise at the end of the course stood out—a guided reflection on our past successes and the empowerment that comes from recognizing our own achievements.

The reflection process was simple yet profoundly powerful. We were asked to recall a time when we felt truly successful and powerful. As we revisited that moment in our minds, we were encouraged to focus on the emotions we felt—whether it was pride, joy, satisfaction, or a sense of accomplishment. It didn’t have to be a moment of grand recognition or a significant award; it was about remembering a time when we felt genuinely happy with something we had achieved, something that we personally valued.

This exercise was a revelation. In our busy lives, we often move from one challenge to the next, rarely taking the time to celebrate our successes, let alone reflect on them. But this simple act of reminiscence, of giving ourselves permission to relive moments of success, is incredibly empowering. It reminds us of our capabilities, our resilience, and the fact that we have overcome obstacles before—and can do so again.

Since that day, I’ve used this technique regularly to help me overcome adversity and struggles, both personal and professional. Whenever I find myself facing a tough situation or feeling overwhelmed, I take a moment to find a quiet space. I lie down, close my eyes, and let my mind wander back to a time when I felt in control, when I succeeded in something that mattered to me.

I don’t judge the memory or compare it to others’ achievements. It could be something as small as completing a project on time, having a meaningful conversation, or simply making a decision that I felt proud of. What matters is the emotion tied to the memory—how it made me feel strong, capable, and empowered.

This practice has become a cornerstone of how I manage challenges and maintain my resilience. It’s a simple tool, but its impact is profound. By reconnecting with our past successes, we can draw strength from them and carry that confidence into our present and future challenges.

So next time you’re feeling stuck or overwhelmed, try it for yourself. Find a quiet space, close your eyes, and reflect on a time when you felt powerful and successful. You might be surprised at how much strength you can draw from your own experiences, and how much more capable you feel of overcoming whatever lies ahead.

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